邱华栋,男,1969年1月生于新疆昌吉市,祖籍河南西峡县。文学博士。十六岁开始发表作品并编辑校园《蓝星》诗报。十八岁出版第一部小说集,并被武汉大学中文系免试破格录取。曾任《人民文学》杂志副主编,现为鲁迅文学院常务副院长 。中国作协第九届全委会委员。出版中篇小说集、电影和建筑评论集、散文随笔集、游记、诗集等,结集为六十多个版本。作品被翻译成日文、韩文、英文、德文、意大利文发表,并有法文版三种和越南文八种出版。即使繁重的教学、行政工作压身,他仍能保持勤奋的创作和研究。这种强健的精神和体能与他早年练武的经历有关。二十世纪八十年代初,电影《少林寺》播映后引发了全国青少年的习武热潮,十三岁的邱华栋萌发了习武的热情,拳法和掌法,套路和器械,他全都练过。
Qiu Huadong
Qiu Huadong was born in Changji City, Xinjiang Province in January 1969. His ancestral home is Xixia County, Henan Province. He holds a PhD in literature. At the age of 16, he began to publish his writing and edited the school’s poetry magazine Blue Star. At the age of 18, he published his first collection of novels and was specially admitted to the Chinese Department of Wuhan University without having to pass an exam. He used to be the deputy editor of People’s Literature magazine and is currently the executive vice president of the Lu Xun College of Literature and a member of the Ninth National Committee of the China Writers Association. He has published novel collections, films and architectural reviews, prose essays, travel notes, poems, and so on, in more than 60 versions. His works have been translated into Japanese, Korean, English, German, and Italian, and with three different versions published in French and eight in Vietnamese. Even with heavy teaching and administrative work, he can still maintain his diligent creation and research regimen. This kind of strong spirit and physical strength is related to his experience of practicing martial arts in his early years. In the early 1980s, after the film Shaolin Temple was broadcast, it triggered enthusiasm for martial arts among teenagers across the country. The 13-year-old Qiu Huadong sprouted an enthusiasm for martial arts, boxing and palm techniques, routines and equipment, practicing all of them.
Qiu Huadong’s writing has a wide range of perspectives, including urban novels depicting changes in contemporary urban life in Beijing and middle class life, as well as historical novels about Westerners’ activities in China in modern times. The urban theme is Qiu Huadong’s field of writing, and he has been writing about urban life and individual existence for many years. The “Beijing Series” is about the unique landscape of the city and the hidden secrets of urban middle class life. Critics point out that Qiu Huadong’s novels provide readers with rich and complicated information and profound thinking. He tries to construct the geographical coordinates and spiritual coordinates of the city of Beijing through his own writing.
His novel The Threat from Life is a collection of novels that reflect the life of the middle class in contemporary Chinese society. It locks in this new class that is booming in today’s rapidly transforming society, and humorously tells a series of events in a high-end community in Beijing, showing the true picture of contemporary middle class life and their happiness and troubles. In Qiu Huadong’s narrative, the city is not an indifferent “other”, but a concrete, objective, and real thing we can touch. The Midday Confession describes the growth and love experiences of film directors and actors over the course of more than 20 years. Professor is a story about the life of a group of university professors. Through the eyes of a professor of literature, he looks at the life of an economics professor, which is full of “sensual pleasures”, and through the marital changes of the economics professor, reflects the impact of intense changes in contemporary social concepts on the lives of intellectuals, reveals academic scandals on campus, the luxurious lives of newly rich people, love between campus teachers and students, and the situation of college students in nightclubs and so on.
Qiu Huadong’s recent work Prisoner of Time is a historical novel with a total of 320,000 Chinese characters. The novel is divided into three clues, depicting the interlocking fate of three generations of French people with China. They are the witnesses and participants of history with their memories, disputes and participations starting from the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China period up to contemporary French society. The structure of the novel is rigorous and profound, and magnificent. It shows Qiu Huadong’s ability to grasp broad subject matter and also shows the historical vision of the writer and his higher literary pursuits in the context of globalization.